$5 per class
Join the Bookmobile at the Cedar Creek Township Office every other Wednesday from 3 pm to 5 pm.
The Cedar Creek Township Office is located at:
6556 Sweeter RD. Twin Lake, MI 49457
Join us for an afternoon of creating snowflakes out of popsicle sticks. Registration required.
MADL is partnering with Orchard View's Adult Education program to offer educational opportunities designed to help adults achieve their academic and career goals.
Gather and discuss the book of the month with fellow book lovers from your local community. Copies of the monthly selection are available at the library. New participants are always welcome!
January selection: https://lplp.bibliocommons.com/v2/record/S147C3958313
Library of Things Showcase: Technology and Tools
Muskegon Area District Library has a wide array of technology and tools in its Library of Things collection! Don't need something often? Is something too expensive to buy? We have you covered.