Storytime for 2 and 3 year old toddlers and their caregivers. Includes books, fingerplays, music, movement, and other activities.
¡Amamos a los animales y sabemos que tú también! Leer Muskegon presenta El ABC de los Animales: ¡edición bilingüe!
Great for your artsy little reader. Families will learn, draw, read, dance, & have lots of fun in this art class made for families with children ages 3-5. At each class families get a free book, snacks, & art supplies to continue the creative fun at home! Presented by Read Muskegon. Registration Required.
Enjoy reading, singing, talking, and playing featuring stories, rhymes, music, and movement to entertain and educate your children. For children ages 0 to 5 and their caregivers.
Meet up and work on craft projects with others.
Teen-only fun for you and your friends at the library. Stop by for snacks, games and make your own Perler Bead creation (plastic fuse beads that you place on a grid and melt together).